viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020


Hi everyone!
How are you today? I hope you are fine and feel very happy because the weekend is here. Do you remember our song? 

"Friday, Friday, 
It is my favorite day.
The weekend is here,
and I can play and play"

To finish the week, I propose two things:

Task 1:

First, tell me what sports do you like.
Second, which one you are really good at...
Third, what is your favorite one?
Fourth, what you are not good at...
Fifth, which ones you do not like...
Sixth, Which one you have never tried.


After that, you can practice the dialogues changing the symbols by their words. Example: 

Hi Andy!
Hi Ruby! How are you today? 
Fine. And you?
I am OK. You have been riding your scooter.
Yes, I am very active. I love sports...

You can record yourself saying the dialogues and send me the audio file. OK? Just if you feel confident to do that.

Task 2

Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

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